Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas Time

Next week anyway. Are you excited? I am. I think. As I get older I guess you see it differently, my parents never told us about santa and I never 'believed' in him. It's funny isn't it, people say they believe in santa and they think it's ok to believe in something they can't see, yet when you tell someone you believe in God they come up with thousands of counter arguments about how it is impossible to believe in something or someone you can't see. But to tell a child that a man drops presents off at Christmas? Oh yeah, they totally believe that. What do you think?
We love Christmas at our house, we have a 12 foot [fake] christmas tree that seems to be smaller each year as I am not a small child so I suddenly see the real height, not from a child's perspective!
Here is a pic of the beauty :)

I love it so much!

Anyway I hope you all have a relaxing, comfortable and exciting Christmas filled with fun, food [of course!] and quality time with family 

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday 2 December 2013

18 years

It happened! I have finally turned 18! Now some people may dread getting older, but for me I am finally catching up to an age I fit. 
I have always been abnormally tall (lol) and in photos in primary school I am literally a head above the rest! With height comes age. Everybody always thinks I am way older. You don't believe me?
When I was 13 I went to the Globe Theatre with my neighbours and my sister (who is 6 years older) We went with two girls who were about 3 years younger than me and their father. That night I got called the mother TWICE. TWICE. ?!?! 
I 13 it's not something you really want to hear. haha this guy was like "one for mummy" and I stood there, jaw dropped. While everyone laughed. Then in the taxi home the driver said "careful of mummy getting in the car" I stopped in bemusement, "Why is everyone saying that?!"
Anyway, as someone who is used to being asked questions like "what is your job?" or thinking I was married I guess it has its perks. Maybe.

My 18th was amazing and surprising! All my wonderful friends surprised me with an eventful night out in London. The Christmas market on Southbank, down to Piccadilly, off to Leicester Square for Haagen-dazs ice cream and then to the Ice Bar!! Which was super cool. All made of ice, the table, the bar, your glass! It was really cool!
Here are some pics from the evening
They gave us ponchos with hoods

My amazing friends and family who surprised me!

The adorable Carousel we just HAD to go on
It's in ice. ICE!

Anyway hope you are all well and thank you for reading!! 

Em :)