Friday, 30 August 2013

Temporary Goodbyes

Today I had to say goodbye to my best friend Emily (EmiG) She is awesome and originally from America but lived in London and now at uni in California, she was over for the whole summer and we had a blast and had so much fun. Today we had to say goodbye which is hard, yet thanks to social media and wifi I can text her, tweet her, Facebook her, Instagram her and FaceTime her all the time! Can you imagine if we didn't have the internet? I think we take it for granted as it means you can literally be anywhere in the world yet still be connected with your friends. How cool is that? But then I guess we take a lot of stuff for granted, even friends. People who know you so well and that you can spend all day with and never get bored or run out of things to say or do. 

So, I'm gonna miss ya, but talk soon chica!! 
And have an amazing year in Cali ;) 


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